Foods from Aragón

Foods from Aragón

Quality & experience

Located in northeastern Spain, Aragón is a major producer and transformer of foods, many of them with differentiated quality: Protected Designations of Origin, Protected Geographical Indications, foods with the quality assurance seal ‘C’alial,’ artisanal food, organic production,…

Healthy & tasty

There is something that characterizes us as Aragonese, which is part of who we are, the nobility of our people. A virtue that is passed on to our food: safe, healthy, tasty, and of high quality.

Melocotón de Calanda

Outside in

Transparency, trust, safety, quality, tradition, flavor… Safe and healthy foods. The biggest secret of foods from Aragón: what you see on the outside is what’s inside. Authenticity and nobility.


Not so secret...

  • Aragón is the main producer and exporter of pork in Spain.
  • We are the largest producer and exporter of black truffle (Tuber melanosporum) in the world.
  • Our Aragonese lamb (Ternasco) was the first fresh meat recognized with a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI).
  • The Teruel ham was the first Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) for ham in Spain.
  • We have the only sweet onion with Protected Designation of Origin in Spain.
Jamón de Teruel
  • PDO
  • PGI

Aragón: Quality differentiated & organic production

Quality logos that allow identifying differentiated quality products in the EU and which, through specific controls, also guarantee their authenticity.


PDO: Protected Designation of Origin; PGI: Protected Geographical Indication

  • PDO Foods

  • PGI Foods

  • PDO Wines

  • PGI Wines

  • Eco production

  • Food crafts

  • Guarantee marks